As a used technique, Dr Yakup Avsar, plastic surgeon from Istanbul, models and prints his patient’s faces as a demonstration of before and after results of the surgery. By this way patients has an opportunity to see what his/her face looks like now and what it will look like in the future and with this way surprises can be inhibited.
Other technique that has been used is to cure facial abnormalities or devastated faces. Dr. Pablo Prichard, plastic surgent from Phoneix, has had a patient that was injured from a car crash that destroyed his cheek and forehead. Dr. Prichard took the mirror image of the other side of his cheek and projected on the damaged side so it looks symmetric. After the surgery Jack is happy with his face and looking as handsome as he was before.
In the future..
Want to give yourself the ultimate facelift huh? No problem!!
Perhaps print your own face. New nose, ears, lips or even best breast tissue...