Medica Exhibition 2017
  Avsar Surgical is proud to invite you to Medica exhibition taking place at the Messe Düsseldorf, in Düsseldorf, Germany, from 13 to 16 November, 2017. We invite you to visit us in Hall 10 E 02 and find out more about our innovative surgical tools and technologies.     Official Website:
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3D Face Mask
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Using 3D Scanning and Printing 2
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Using 3D Scanning and Printing
Using 3D Scanning and Printing to Show Patients Their Future Selves
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3D Technology
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Imprimer des visages en 3D
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Arab Health 2017
As AVSAR Surgical family we are so glad to announce that we accomplished our takepart in the Arab Health 2017, one of the greatest medical events in the world.
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Turkish Doctor Claims Unique 3D Usage In Plastic Surgery
Turkish doctor claims unique 3D usage in plastic surgery. Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 01:53 A Turkish doctor who says he is the first person to use 3D printing in rhinoplasty and aesthetic surgery, is employing the technology to show patients a realistic preview of how their planned surgical procedures will look. Joel Flynn has more. As the 3D printing revolution continues, its application in medicine is among its most fascinating potential uses. And now Turkish Doctor Yakup Avsar claims he..
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Bioprinting Applications - Cosmetic Surgery
As a used technique, Dr Yakup Avsar, plastic surgeon from Istanbul, models and prints his patient’s faces as a demonstration of before and after results of the surgery. By this way patients has an opportunity to see what his/her face looks like now and what it will look like in the future and with this way surprises can be inhibited. Other technique that has been used is to cure facial abnormalities or devastated faces. Dr. Pablo Prichard, plastic surgent from Phoneix, has had a patient th..
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L’impression 3D utilisée en chirurgie esthétique. Les patients peuvent voir leur futur visage
  L’impression 3D révolutionne de nombreux domaines dont notamment la chirurgie que ce soit pour préparer ou simuler des interventions chirurgicales complexes. Yakub Avşar , un chirurgien plastique turc, vient également d’adopter cette technologie afin de montrer à ses patients le visage qu’ils auront après l’intervention. Connue notamment pour ses patients à la recherche de la « perfection ..
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覺得自己的外觀不夠美,想要整形嗎?韓國的外科醫生好貴,想要以低價的方式來替自己整形嗎?3D列印來幫各位造福音囉! 最近有則影片被公布在網路上,來自土耳其、伊朗的外科整形醫生Yakub Avşar,他利用了3D列印來解決了一位病患的整形問題!而醫生也將他的醫治過程給解釋了一次。     但是請先注意,Yakub Avşar並非已經開始替這位病患處理他困擾已久的鼻子,相反的,醫生利用3D列印技術準確的展示出,患者術後的大約樣貌。Yakub Avşar解釋說,他個人覺得整形手術和設計之間,是緊緊相連再一起的。他認為有些藝術家在出產工藝品前,都會先模擬做個模具以便未來在製作該模型前,有個抽象底子能放在心中慢慢地校正,過程不僅費時且也常常容易因畫歪等因素,導致最後出來的成品令藝術家不是很滿意。   但當Avşar在某天外處突然看到3D列印的演示後,Avşar才意識到自己也能夠使用這種先端技術,來幫助他的整形事業,並且從中獲益!而在Avşar也相信未來他在實際運用後,他認為3D列印創建的外觀,栩栩人生。   而此過程雖然還仍待進行驗證,但Avşar他認為他將..
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Plastic Surgeon Using Before and After 3D Models to Preview Cosmetic Surgery Results for Patients
Published by Sandra Helsel, November 10, 2014 11:20 am   Dr. Yakub Avsar, an Iranian plastic surgeon from Turkey, is using 3D printing to improve the experience of his patients. He does not 3D-print noses for his clientele. Instead, he utilizes 3D-printing technology to give patients a more realistic and accurate view of what they would look like post-surgery. Now, he can create realistic before and after images for his patients. And while this would have to be verified, Avşar be..
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Cosmetic Surgeon 3D Prints Incredible Before and After Masks for a Rhinoplasty Patient
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that reshapes the nose. It can be done either for appearance or, in some cases, to correct a deviated septum. It’s commonly referred to as a “nose job” and is associated in the minds of many with efforts by the rich and famous to achieve what they believe is perfection. In a recently released video, after a melodramatic introduction, a Turkish plastic surgeon demonstrates the way that 3-D printing can contribute to the art of body sculpting. &n..
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3D Printing for Rhinoplasty Patients
Rhinoplasty, or a “nose job”, is a facial plastic surgery procedure that reshapes the nose. The soft tissue such as the nostrils, septum, and nose tip can be altered as well as the bony structures of the nose such as the nasal bridge.   In Turkey, a plastic surgeon has taken “before and after photos” to a whole new level with the use of 3D scanning and printing. Learn more about his passionate dedication to providing patients with a realistic view of how they could ..
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How 3D Printing Change..
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How 3-D printing improves surgical outcomes
Last month, an acquaintance underwent what was expected to be a routine ablation procedure — nearly 10 hours later, the surgery finally finished. Despite CT scans, X-rays and EKGs, the surgeons encountered "structural issues" that complicated the operation.  If they'd had a 3-D print of his heart, they might have anticipated and planned contingencies based on what they saw. For this reason, more surgeons have begun using patient-specific models to plan surgeries. Having 3-D repli..
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Rhinoplasty 3-D Masks
One of the most popular services offered by cosmetic plastic surgeons is photo imaging. A computer artist, taking directions from a cosmetic surgeon about the changes that will be made in surgery, creates a picture of your most likely, after-surgery look, all on a computer screen. Rhinoplasty 3-D Masks In many cases, the actual after surgery result is better than the predicted results. Patients like comuter imaging because it puts patient and surgeon on the same pag..
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Yurtdışında Biz - 3D Mask Rinoplasti Reuters
Estetik cerrahları 3D Mask Before & After teknolojisi ile tanıştırmamızdan bu yana bir çok yabancı basının ilgisini üzerimizde topladık. Renkli 3D printer kullanarak yüz ve vücudun 3D maskelerini üreten Op. Dr. Yakup Avşar, 3D baskı teknolojisini, rinoplasti ve estetik cerrahi alanında dünyada kullanan ilk estetik cerrah oldu. Uygulamaya dünya basınında Op. Dr. Avşar'a İngiliz haber ajansı Reuters'da geniş yer verdi.
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